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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kiwi bird rehabbing on treadmill...

A clumsy kiwi bird has been using a treadmill to restore its strength after suffering two broken legs in separate accidents.

Piwi was plucked from the North Island's Mount Ruapehu after wildlife experts noticed the bird had a broken leg.

The four-year-old, only half the size of a normal kiwi his age, had little chance of surviving.

Piwi was transferred to nearby Massey University's Wildlife Ward, where veterinarians re-broke the leg so it could heal properly. It was then transported to a wildlife park for rehabilitation.

Unluckily for the kiwi, it soon broke its other leg and had to be rushed back to Massey University for further treatment.

There, vets and a local physiotherapist devised the unusual plan of using a treadmill to aid the bird's recovery.

"The first time we put him on he just sat there looking a bit disgruntled," Massey University vet Lisa Argilla told MSN NZ.

"But it didn't take long for him to catch on. It's really improved the muscle tone in his legs."

It is believed to be the first time a treadmill has been used on an injured kiwi.

Dr Argilla said the bird will have every chance of a healthy life when it returnes to the wild.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New exhibits greet visitors at Glacier National Park...

Avalanche Creek in Spring 2007 (Glacier Nation...Image via Wikipedia
New exhibits greet visitors at Glacier National Park...

New Exhibits Help Tell Glacier’s Native American History.

WEST GLACIER, MONT. – New exhibits now greet Glacier National Park visitors at the St. Mary Visitor Center. The new visitor center exhibit entitled “At Home in This Place” focuses on tribal perspectives about the place we today call Glacier National Park.

The new exhibits were installed in early July and were viewed by tribal leaders and elders Wednesday afternoon, July 14 during a dedication ceremony. As part of the dedication, tribal perspectives and remarks were offered by Peter (Rusty) Tatsey (Blackfeet), Vernon Finley (Kootenai) and Thompson Smith (Salish-Pend d’Oreille).

According to Glacier National Park Superintendent Chas Cartwright, “Several years of consultation with cultural experts from the Blackfeet, Kootenai and Salish and Pend d’Oreille tribes provided authenticity and a true tribal perspective on issues related to land, plants, animals, mountains and history of this area.”

Acknowledgements: Malcolm's  Round Table
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bizarre deep sea creatures found thousands of meters below...

 Bizarre deep sea creatures found thousands of meters below...

Scientists have discovered a host of bizarre-looking deep-sea creatures in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

More than 10 previously unknown marine species were found thousands of metres below sea level on a six-week voyage by researchers from the UK's University of Aberdeen.

The scientists believe some of the colourful and transparent creatures could provide the missing evolutionary link between backboned and invertebrate animals.    TANGAROA- GOD OF THE SEA

Acknowledgements: MSN NZ

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